Tag Archives: Chicago

Setting A Goal for the Chicago Marathon

Much like a thousand other people today, I caught the running bug watching the Boston Marathon. So, I thought I’d take this time to officially declare my goal for the Chicago Marathon.

In thinking about it, my PR is 3:58:02. Now, I should have done better that day–really. I stopped to walk through the water stops and did a few other things that set me back a few minutes. But that’s the race I ran, so 3:58:02 is my PR. With that said, as of right now, my goal for the race is going to be 3:50. Sarah and I talked about our shared goal, and for some reason, it’s not coming to mind. So this goal may be amended once or twice. It may be aggressive, but I have a few things to motivate me this year.

In the meantime, until training officially kicks off (and I’ve decided I’m going to try Pfitz this year), I’m doing speed work and tempo runs. It’s very similar to the plan I used for Illinois and hopefully, it keeps me in good shape and prepares me for the start of training in a few weeks.

Today’s run:
0.5 mi warm-up
3×1600 intervals (7:45, 7:30, 7:15) w/ 0.25 mi rest intervals (RI)
0.25 mi cool down

One year ago today …

… I moved to Chicago. So, to mark the occassion, I decided that instead of writing a post about the past year, I would amuse you with this video … which has nothing to do with me or Chicago. But it’s funny.

(After five minutes of trying) Grrr … technical difficulties. Here’s the link:


Stay classy, Kansas City

I waited for the Cleaning Fairy for the better part of a week. (S)he was a no-show. Neither was the deadbeat Packing Fairy. They both must have been on vacation.

Tonight was exactly the way I wanted to spend my last night in Kansas City – with family (even if only for a bit). I spent a few hours with my parents. We went and ate dinner at Winstead’s, a local steakburger chain we’ve been going to since I was little. I ordered the single, ketchup only, fries and a chocolate shake. I’ve ordered the same thing for more than a decade. I hung out with my brother for 30 minutes before he had to head back to Lawrence, KS. He helped me pack a little (and by little, I mean he helped me tape up a box or two), and we talked about his plans to head to France in a few months to teach English.

I can’t wait to head to Chicago tomorrow. It’s a moment I’ve waited for for months now, and though it is coming sooner than expected, the excitement that has been built up is finally being realized. I’ve never lived more than 45 minutes from home, but everything will be okay. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind. It’s time to explore the rest of the world with a girl.

YAY! I’m moving to Chicago! Like … now.